Electrical Engineering
Purdue University in Indianapolis, Purdue University in West Lafayette
Electrical Engineering encompasses all areas of research, development, design, and operation of electrical and electronic systems and their components. In this area of study, you can specialize in such varied areas as: Automatic Controls; Communication, Networking, Signal, and Image Processing; Fields and Optics; Power and Energy Systems; Microelectronics and Nanotechnology; VLSI & Circuit Design; and Computer Engineering.
As an electrical engineer, you must have a strong background in mathematics and physics, a broad base in the humanities and social sciences, and excellent communication skills.
Note: The First-Year Engineering Program is the entry point for all Purdue University in West Lafayette beginning engineering students. They must complete the First-Year Engineering requirements before entering the engineering school of their choice. The mission of this student-oriented service program is to advise, teach and retain outstanding students for Purdue's College of Engineering. This core curriculum includes courses in math, chemistry, physics, computer programming, and communication skills, as well as introductory engineering coursework taught in the Ideas to Innovation (i2i) Learning Laboratory. The First-Year Engineering Program provides students with a firm foundation and initial understanding of engineering and career options to assist them in identifying which of Purdue's engineering disciplines is the right fit. Our professional academic advisors, faculty and student advisors are dedicated to assisting beginning engineers with the first-year experience.
Plan of Study
Electrical Engineering, BSEE Electrical Engineering WebpageTransfer to Electrical Engineering
Purdue admits to individual majors. Transfer students must meet Purdue's overall transfer criteria, as well as any major-specific requirements. Before you apply, check the closed programs page to confirm this major is open to transfer students. If it is, refer to the information below for major-specific transfer criteria.
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Additional Requirements: See the Engineering Transfer Criteria page for more detailed course requirements.
Contact Information
ECE Undergraduate Office
(765) 494-3390
Careers in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering graduates are sought by all major industries. Graduates hold many important and challenging positions in industry, such as the electronics, computer, information technology, aerospace, chemical, and automotive industries, to name a few.
Nearly every industry has a need for an electrical engineer. Important professional attributes include communication skills, the art of self-learning, teamwork, and an appreciation for ethical conduct.
These skills, along with the technical expertise you will have acquired, prepare you for research and development and applied engineering positions in industry, as well as for careers in management, sales, education, medicine and law.